Records management, public information, and citizen engagement

Content for Wednesday, January 31, 2024



Dolan, Drew. 2007. “The Clerk.” In, edited by Carl W. Stenberg and Suan Lipman Austin, 3rd ed. Washington, D.C.: ICMA Press.
Nabatchi, Tina, and Lisa Blomgren Amsler. 2014. “Direct Public Engagement in Local Government.” The American Review of Public Administration 44 (4_suppl): 63S–88S.
Nelson, Kimberly L., and Carl W. Stenberg. 2018. Managing Local Government: An Essential Guide for Municipal and County Managers. Washington, D.C: CQ Press.
Piotrowski, Suzanne J., and Gregg G. Van Ryzin. 2007. “Citizen Attitudes Toward Transparency in Local Government.” The American Review of Public Administration 37 (3): 306–23.