Individual paper 1
Due by 11:59 PM on Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Research the agency where you work to find answers to each item listed below. Do not copy text or graphics from a website or other online platform; use your own words for each answer. In a 300-600 word typewritten paper, respond to the following (one-half point per full response to each):
The name of the agency and its principal address. If you work at a location other than the principal address, please indicate that location.
The names and titles of each of the agency’s governing board officials.
The names and titles of the agency’s chief administrative officer, and each department head who is a direct report to the chief administrative officer.
The total number of full-time and part-time employees in the agency.
The agency’s current total expenditure budget amount for the year, in all funds, and indicate whether fiscal-year (with FY end date) or calendar year.
The name and title of the chief Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer.
The URL of the agency’s primary website, and the name and title of the staff person who is most directly responsible for website management.
The title of the agency’s primary Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram social media platforms (list as many as applicable).
From the agency’s website, name the section or page where you found the following: the next regular governing board meeting agenda, a feedback or “contact us” form, the current budget, and the most recent ACFR.
Identify three professional organizations the agency is a member of (i.e., Illinois Municipal League American Public Works Association, Northwest Municipal Conference) and who is the designated representative to each.